this site will be given a fresh new look!! ETA: 3mos.

Kaiser Insight event will commence soon!

In light of the upcoming VTuber event under thebelovedmoon, the "Kaiser Insight" event commences for the whole of June until the rest of the year!

What is the Kaiser Insight event?

This is a VTuber event conducted by thebelovedmoon (known as 💚🍃Aga-chuu💗🌸 of 「VTresMarias - V三人のマリア - 」) to represent the Princess Connect! community. It was first commenced 1 July 2022 in conjunction to the "Mahoroba Youjo Kitan" event that commemorates the shutdown of the game the day before.

When will the Kaiser Insight event last?

The event will commence every July of the year. Some extensions may be applied when July concludes, but it's up to thebelovedmoon to decide.

「The Battle of Landosol has long ended, and Landosol is at peace. But the Gourmet Guild and Co. still ventures forth...」

Princess Connect! Re:Dive Global EN has shut down last 30 Apr at 1am UTC. And with it, are the memories of all who have been playing since it was first released.

GourmetDayLife has partnered with Sakura Sumiyoi 【墨宵🌸桜】 (through thebelovedmoon) to formally put the series to a close as the timer reached zero. thebelovedmoon also has debuted a song dedicated to the game, 3 days after the shutdown has commenced.

An open message to Princess Connect! Re:Dive Global EN

tbmSenri's Profile Card (as of 30 Apr 2023)

Until we meet again, Astraea.